What a lot of people don’t talk about is how many men in the world are plagued with the problem of erectile dysfunction. This sexual inability has numerous causes, but it can be hard to identify for some people.
In effect, it can also become hard to treat as there isn’t an all-fixing medicine for it. Some have resorted to unconventional methods, one of which is hypnosis. As to whether using hypnosis for erectile dysfunction actually works, we’ll discuss more.

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What Are the Effects of Hypnosis
Many would likely dismiss hypnosis as a cheap trick or a scam. Nevertheless, there are still those who are curious and would try to test the efficacy of hypnosis.
If there’s anything hypnosis is good for, it’s treating mental conditions and similar problems. People who resort to hypnosis are often using it for its meditative properties.
Time and time again, there have been accounts of hypnosis stimulating a person’s mind and consciousness. This makes it an ideal therapeutic treatment for those who have experienced traumatic events or abuse. It also relaxes anxiety and hyperactive minds.
For some they believe that the mind and body have a direct link and that your consciousness can actually influence your physical health. Though there is no study that supports hypnosis is a physical healer, there are studies that prove emotional responses can cause a reaction to your body (1).
Separate research has been done to show its efficacy as a medical treatment. In particular, it was used for the amelioration of disordered physiological factors and physical healing.
There is evidence that strongly suggests that hypnosis is highly effective in treatments where the mind and body are connected, cancer being one of them.

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Anyway, results show that hypnosis’s ability to relieve stress is what makes it highly effective in medical treatment. It was not more effective than traditional methods, but it did hold its own in reducing pain (2).
Can Hypnosis Help with Erectile Dysfunction
One area where hypnosis can be helpful is in sexual dysfunction. It is effective in five ways: diagnosis, boosting self-confidence, behavioral therapy, and helping resolve neurotic issues. There has been research that supports hypnosis as a way of treating erectile dysfunction (3).
The thing is that ED is as much a mental and psychological problem as it is a physical one. If you were somehow to find a way to treat this aspect of erectile dysfunction, then it can significantly improve your chances of reducing symptoms.
Anxiety can be both a cause and a result of erectile dysfunction, and this is why finding a way to overcome it can naturally result in reduced instances of ED.
In fact, there have been scientific studies that revealed that hypnosis could actually help in cases of headaches, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, and pain associated with childbirth. Similar research also shows its effects on the immune system, and it all ties in with reducing anxiety (4).
Aside from that, another kind of anxiety called performance anxiety is also one of the reasons for repeating cases of ED.
The added embarrassment and shame that men feel when they are unable to perform is a very real issue that a lot of people don’t take into account. This can likely worsen someone’s erectile dysfunction.
Hypnosis can help with this because it gets rid of their insecurity and boosts their confidence, which can result in better sexual arousal.
There are two ways you can get hypnosis for ED. One is through a professional, but an easier way is self-hypnosis.
Self Hypnosis for Erectile Dysfunction
Self-hypnosis is very easy and safe to do. What you do is just find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed.
Relax your body, get rid of all those thoughts that aren’t related to your main goal. What most people do is focus their attention on one part of the room or space to prevent distractions.
Next, voice out your mantra in your head. In this case, you tell yourself all the things you will achieve. Don’t use negatives as it won’t work.
Do this for around 30 minutes and maintain a relaxed and calm state. It might take multiple attempts to really come into effect, but this really helps reset your mind. Self-hypnosis is a lot like meditation actually, and you can use it for a variety of other reasons as well. Keep at this practice, and the results will follow.
If you’re having a tough time keeping calm, then you can use other accessories to assist you. You can try lighting scented candles or play some relaxing music. Studies have found that sounds in nature an excellent tool for hypnosis and meditation.
Hypnosis may seem ridiculous, but it actually has its uses! Just because it’s not entirely scientific doesn’t mean that it does not affect you. If you’re suffering from anxiety-induced ED, then this is actually a preferred method outside of medication.
Hypnosis for erectile dysfunction has yet to be discussed, but existing evidence on the effects of hypnosis shows that it can become useful.