Do you no longer ejaculate with as much force and volume as you used to? If you're answering yes to this question, then you're in the same position I've been in for the past little while.
As someone who used to have intense orgasms with my partner, finding myself suddenly producing weaker ejaculations has not only detracted from my enjoyment of sex but has had me scouring the web to see if there was a solution.

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While ejaculation loads and intensity can vary from man to man [1], if you're concerned about your semen volume, keep reading to find out how lifestyle changes, dietary foods, and exercise can help you.
And, if that's not quite enough, we also have information on the five best semen enhancer pills on the market, which may give you that extra needed boost.
3 Simple Techniques to Increase Semen Volume Quickly
This section will outline some very quick and easy methods you can implement now (today) that may positively affect your semen volume as early as tomorrow.
Keep in mind that those who have success with the bullet points below are typically individuals who are already doing the opposite of what each method states to do and are, thus, unknowingly inhibiting their cum loads.
These methods can be done daily or can be something that you work naturally into your habits.
Semen Is Water-Based – Get Your Fluid Intake Up!
When it comes to our water intake, I think it's pretty safe to say that many of us have some work to do in this department.

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Between coffee in the morning, hectic workdays, and after-work drinks, incorporating water and other non-dehydrating fluids into our days can be challenging.
This is a major problem in general, as dehydration can cause severe side effects, some of which occur rapidly at minor deficits.
For instance, being dehydrated by just 2-3% will impair your ability to perform well on mental tasks and in situations where physical coordination is required [2, 3]. But what does this mean for men like you and me who are trying to boost their cum loads?
Your semen is composed primarily of water, which means that if you're not getting enough fluids throughout the day, this will impact how much liquid is available to create semen. Why?
If you are dehydrated, your body will divert the water you have and send it to where the body needs it for survival [4].
This means that the water will be diverted to your vital organs, including your brain, lungs, heart, kidneys, and liver. Thus, your semen volume is at a much lower tier regarding priority if you are dehydrated.
Tone Down the Heat
If you enjoy hot showers, saunas, hot tubs, tight under briefs, and heated seats in the wintertime (who doesn't), you may be doing your sperm a disservice.
Your sperm is sensitive to heat, which is why the testes are located outside of the body in a somewhat risky position than inside of it.
The ideal temperature for your testes is around 34C (94F), which is about 2-3 degrees Celsius cooler than your body temperature (when not sick).
So, for those looking to shoot larger cum volumes with a lot of sperm, be wary, as there are numerous studies connecting excessive heat exposure to a reduction in sperm count, motility, and fertility [5, 6, 7].
Great ways to reduce heat to the scrotum?
- Forego the tight-fitting pants and throw out those tighty whities.
- Never place your notebook on your lap.
- Avoid prolonged sitting without getting up.
- Avoid prolonged bike rides in the heat.
- Avoid spending large amounts of time in the sauna, bath, or hot tub.
- Don't cross your legs when sitting.
While there isn't a direct connection between reduced sperm count and total cum volume, it may be something to be wary of if you're looking to get pregnant with your partner.
Allow Your Body to Recover Between Orgasms
If you like to have sex frequently, consider taking a break and giving your body some time to recover between romps.
While our bodies can produce several million sperm per day (1,500 per second) [8], we lose a hefty portion (20-300 million sperm cells [9]) when we cum, and it takes our body about 64-days [10] total to go through the entire regeneration process (spermatogenesis).
By taking a break (abstaining completely) from anywhere between 2-18 days, you can increase semen volume and total sperm concentration [11, 12].
In 2004, a study found that after four days of going without ejaculating, semen volume increased by about 12% per day [13].
Improving ejaculation volume can boost confidence. Similarly, increasing girth can also enhance self-esteem. Learn more about how to increase girth size permanently with our in-depth guide.
5 Simple Lifestyle Changes to Cum More
Suppose you are experiencing high levels of relationship distress, dissatisfaction with yourself, or are struggling with the fear that your partner will notice a weaker cum load. In that case, it may be time to look at your lifestyle choices and make some changes.
Be Disciplined in Your Exercise Routine.
A great way to ensure that your sexual and reproductive health is in a full (healthy) swing is to exercise regularly.
According to donor researchers looking into sperm health in active and inactive individuals back in 2016, men who logged regular workouts had better motility in their sperm [14].
Another study, done by researchers at Urmia University in Iran, also found that sedentary men who chose to take up frequent exercise over the course of 24 weeks saw a considerable improvement in semen volume (8.3% increase), sperm shape (17.1% increase), sperm concentration (14.1% increase), and more sperm cells on average (21.8% increase) [15].
By getting regular exercise, you boost your testosterone levels which can lead to better semen production [16]. When choosing which exercises to do, focus on weight lifting or resistance training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT).
Get Sleep!
If you are a short sleeper (less than 6 hours a night), you're not getting enough sleep to ensure that your swimmers are strong.
A preliminary study in Fertility & Sterility suggests that if you sleep for less than 6 hours a night, you are 31% less likely to get your partner pregnant than men who sleep 7-8 hours a night [17]. Those who slept 9+ hours also had a decreased chance of getting their partners pregnant by a whopping 49% [18].
The possible reason why this has to do with the release of testosterone. Testosterone, which is vital for sperm production, is created as you sleep. If you aren't sleeping long enough, you likely have lower testosterone levels and this lower sperm quality and concentration [19, 20].
Get Serious About Stress Management
While the connection between how stress affects semen quality isn't fully understood, we know from studies that familial, life, and occupational stress-strain reproductive health in males [21, 22].
Those who feel stressed are more likely to have lower concentrations of sperm in the ejaculate, semen quality is likely to be reduced, and testosterone levels are negatively impacted due to the release of glucocorticoids (steroid hormones).
Ditch Those Cigarettes
While there are plenty of reasons to quit smoking, one that isn't often discussed is the adverse effects of tobacco on semen volume, sperm quality, and morphology [23].
In a more recent study done in 2016, 96 smokers and 45 non-smokers were tested on semen parameters such as sperm concentration, motility, viability, and morphology. It was found that smokers had a significant decrease in all areas of semen quality [24].
Reduce Your Habitual Alcohol Consumption
As noted in the fluid uptake point in the section above, dehydration plays a major role in semen volume, as it directly correlates to how much fluid you ejaculate during orgasm.
Alcohol works as a diuretic, rapidly removing fluids from your blood through the kidneys, bladder, and ureter (renal system). This means that if you don't replace the fluid with water, you'll end up dehydrated (hangover headaches are a sign of this) [25].
When looking at alcohol consumption (habitual), studies show that it has a detrimental effect on semen volume [26], as well as semen quality, and it causes changes in reproductive hormones.
According to a study done in 2014, those consuming just five units in a typical week had lower sperm concentration and sperm count, while those consuming 25 units/week had a much more pronounced negative effect. Men who consumed more than 40 units had a 33% reduction in sperm concentration compared to the others in the study [27].
8 Foods and Supplements to Boost Semen Health Naturally
Another great way to boost your semen volume is to switch up your diet to ensure that it is well-balanced.
What you put into your body is what you will get back out in your ejaculation, so eating a healthy diet will help you maintain a high semen volume and boost the overall health of your sperm.
But what should you eat? The most important factors you should be targeting are deficiencies in zinc and amino acids.
Here is a list of 8 foods and natural supplements that you can use to boost your semen volume and health.
Maca Root
This is a plant that grows in the Central Andes of Peru. The root contains several phytonutrients and vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, iron, potassium, copper, protein, and calcium [28], making it a fantastic male tonic. It is effectively marketed to improve sexual desire, which is backed up by numerous studies [29, 30]. There is also some evidence that it helps male fertility [31].
It has recently been discovered that maca's effect on the sex hormones may operate through its action as an adaptogen [32]; it increases resistance to stress at least partially through modulating hypothalamic-pituitary functions. This means that even if you're not suffering from any male health issues now, regularly taking maca will benefit you by making your body more resilient to stress and fatigue.
Dark Chocolate
Consuming dark chocolate of 85% or greater is a great way to ensure that you get L-Arginine HCL. This essential amino acid is necessary for spermatogenesis and plays a vital role in increasing sperm count and semen volume [33]. In addition, it is a precursor to making nitric oxide, which your body needs to facilitate a penile erection [34].
Get Your Tomatoes In
These are rich in lycopene, an antioxidant from the carotenoid family. It is being studied as a treatment option for male infertility. Its antioxidant properties can help improve sperm parameters, including sperm concentration, motility, and count, when taken as a supplement over 3-12 months [35].
Consume Healthy Fish (Mackerel, Salmon, Sea Bass) or Fish Oil
One of the easiest ways to get enough omega-3 fatty acids is by consuming healthy fish varieties, either in their cooked form or as a capsule. A recent study done in 2020 found that the intake of fish oil supplements had a better testicular function and a higher association of semen volume, total sperm count, higher free testosterone to luteinizing hormone ratio, and lower follicle-stimulating hormone [36].
These are fantastic sources of healthy fats (omega-3 fatty acids) and protein. The high-fat content is really good for the production of the cell membrane in sperm cells, and the omega-3 fatty acids boost sperm volume by increasing blood flow to the testes. Walnut's arginine content contributes to the improvement in sperm count. Walnuts' antioxidants aid in the removal of poisons from the body.
Men aged 21 to 35 who ate 70 grams of walnuts every day for 12 weeks had improved blood flow, sperm vitality, morphology, and motility, according to a randomized controlled study trial published in Biology of Reproduction [37]. They are also great for nourishing the brain and improving your immune system. Walnuts can be used as toppings on salads or eaten straight as a snack.
Eat Red Meat or Oysters for Zinc
The recommended value for zinc is 11 mg daily for men between 19 and 50 years old. Oysters are considered the best source of zinc because they contain more than five milligrams per 100-gram serving. For comparison, beef contains about two milligrams per 100-gram serving. One can eat oysters raw or cooked with little preparation needed to reduce the risk of food poisoning. Oyster sauce, paste, salt-cured, smoked, or canned oysters are other ways people prepare this tasty seafood dish.
Getting enough zinc in your diet is imperative for males who want a normal functioning reproductive system. The relationship between zinc and male fertility is positively associated, as zinc supplementation may significantly increase semen volume, motility, and sperm morphology [38]. Zinc is at its highest concentration in the seminal plasma fluid and has been shown to increase testosterone levels and sperm count in men who supplement with it [39].
Other foods that have a lot of zinc include shellfish, scallops, legumes, seeds (pumpkin), dairy foods, and red meats like lamb, pork, beef, and eggs.
These are good for the male reproductive system because they have potassium and B vitamins that help produce sperm cells in the testes. Potassium is an essential mineral needed to ensure proper nerve transmission. B vitamins such as folic acid, vitamin B12, vitamin C, and vitamin E are necessary to synthesize sperm nucleic acids and protein. Bananas also contain tryptophan, an amino acid that reduces stress levels [40]. Stress can damage sperm production, so bananas are an excellent mitigator.
Consume Fruits High in Antioxidants
You will want to consume many fruits high in antioxidants, such as blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, and pomegranates [41, 42, 43]. Because of their unique mechanism of action, antioxidants are believed to play an essential part in male reproductive health. Antioxidants are molecules that contain very reactive O-H (OH) or N-O (NO) groups within their structure, allowing them to react with and neutralize free radicals [44].
Free radicals damage sperm cells by causing lipid peroxidation. This occurs when free radicals cause individual cellular lipid molecules like phospholipids to break up into smaller compounds containing only one oxygen atom (such as fatty acids), resulting in cell death.
Antioxidants contained within seminal plasma act as the first-line defense against oxidative damage to sperm cells making this vital fluid essential for fertility. Men's overall antioxidant capacity is thought to be determined by the dietary intake of fruits and vegetables, in which antioxidants are contained.
A recent study found that infertile men have an average level of antioxidant capacity in their seminal fluid that is significantly lower than what is considered normal [45]. This suggests a link between infertility and low levels of antioxidants, although further research must be conducted to determine if this association is causal or coincidental. Although the mechanism of action for the benefits of antioxidants on male reproductive health isn't fully known, it's evident that they play an essential role in protecting sperm cells from oxidative damage.
Other potential foods that may benefit your sexual health include garlic, carrots, ginseng, asparagus, leafy green vegetables, vitamin C, and avocados.
Take Care of Your Prostate Health!
As you've read throughout this guide, plenty of things can impact your ejaculate volume. If you are on the older side of things, you may be seeing a decrease in semen volume due to the growth of your prostate.
Your prostate contributes 20-30% of total semen volume, 50-64% comes from your seminal vesicles, and about 5% actually comes from your testes [46]. As you age, your prostate grows, and the seminal fluid it produces naturally declines.
Several conditions that are in relation to your prostate can change your semen volumes, such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which is an enlargement of the prostate [47], and prostatitis, which is an inflammation of the prostate [48].
To ensure that your prostate remains in good health, practice doing kegel exercises, and remember to visit a healthcare professional to get your prostate checked.
Use of Semen Enhancer Pills
As you figure out how to work both the short and long-term methods above into your lifestyle, there is an additional option that you may want to consider when trying to boost your cum load – semen-enhancing pills.
These natural-based supplements combine well-known nutrients, and amino acids with exotic herbal concentrate from Europe, South America, and China and are frequently used in naturopathy.
Here are the top 5 best semen enhancer pills available for men like you.
Semenax is aimed at men looking to increase all fluid types that contribute to semen volume. This all-natural formula targets seminal vesicle fluid, prostate fluids, and seminal plasma fluids and aims to boost them through its six main ingredients. Semenax may be the right option if you are interested in boosting cum load, orgasm intensity, sexual satisfaction, and your sperm's virility.
Pros include:
- By two months in, you may see a significant difference in your load size and ejaculation duration.
- Supported by a clinical study done on its proprietary blend/formula.
- You may see a boost in libido, sexual interest, virility, and climax potency within the first month.
Cons include:
- Requires you to take four pills a day which is inconvenient.
- Results can take a few months for you to notice a significant difference.
Check out our in-depth Semenax review now.
Volume Pills
Coming in second, just behind Semenax, is Volume Pills. This supplement allows men like you to reach greater heights with your orgasms while boosting your erection length and semen production. It aims to do this through its all-natural blend that targets your testosterone levels and blood flow capability (with natural vasodilators).
Volume Pills may be right for you if you want to boost your sexual desire, experience strong orgasms, and increase your ejaculation load (by 500%, according to the company).
- Ensures bigger loads by boosting your body's ability to produce semen.
- You may experience enhanced sexual performance, pleasure, and energy.
- Supported by thousands of reviews online.
- You need at least three months under your belt before you can expect to see the best outcomes (visual-based results are gradual).
- You're supposed to refrain from masturbation or sexual activity during the first 7-days of taking Volume Pills, and this may blur the results, seeing an increase from abstinence rather than from the pills after the first week.
Read our complete Volume Pills review.
VigRX Fertility Factor 5
In third place, we have VigRX Fertility Factor 5, which is aimed at men looking to boost their sperm count, increase intercourse length, and start a family but needs to address low sperm count or sperm development issues.
The product is made with five main ingredients that boost your sperm's motility, volume, morphology, and count, giving you an extra libido boost. According to their website, they use a fertility extract breakthrough called LJ100, which they claim can increase sperm quality by 65% and sperm count by 94.9%.
- Elevates your sex life by preventing premature ejaculation.
- May boost sperm motility, shape, count, and semen volume.
- You only need to take one capsule a day.
- It is clinically proven to boost male fertility.
- It only contains five main ingredients, so pairing them with other vitamins and minerals will be easier.
- It takes a minimum of 30 days to start seeing results.
Read our detailed VigRX Fertility Factor 5 review.
In the fourth spot is SemEnhance, an all-natural-based supplement aimed at men who get told that their semen is incredibly bitter. If you are someone who loves to eat garlic, coffee, dairy products, or onions, then you're likely someone who has very salty and bitter-tasting semen. SemEnhance may be able to help you by flushing away the bitterness with a sweeter aftertaste.
Unfortunately, this supplement only works really well for individuals who do not have any issues consuming natural sugars from fruits and do not have diabetes or watching their sugar intake.
SemEnhance may also help you by increasing your ejaculation amount and boosting your sperm count and motility.
- It is very rich in vitamin C, with 30mg per serving.
- Your semen is going to taste a lot sweeter to your partner.
- Your immune system may become stronger and healthier.
- The formula is incredibly safe to take.
You must take two capsules a day.
- It takes three weeks to begin seeing results.
- Diabetics or those with extreme sensitivity to natural sugars may have a more challenging time digesting this supplement.
- It is not great for those avoiding sugar as it contains a lot of natural sugars from the fruit used in the formula.
Check out our comprehensive SemEnhance review.
Pulling up in the fifth rated spot is MaxoCum, a semen enhancer supplement that is all about sexual health strength. For those looking to boost sperm count, combat weak ejaculations, and increase libido, MaxoCum might be helpful to you.
Their website claims that you can boost your semen volume by 500% while enjoying renewed vigor due to the combination of stress-relieving ingredients (antioxidants and anti-inflammatory vitamins) and aphrodisiacs (herbs) used in its ingredient blend.
- It is clinically tested as safe and effective for male infertility.
- Less expensive than other semen enhancer pills available.
- Ejaculations may be longer/more powerful, and sperm count may increase.
- You may experience increased sexual confidence due to higher cum volumes.
- It only has four ingredients! If you don't want long ingredient lists, MaxoCum has you covered.
- You're likely to be unfamiliar with the ingredient list.
Check out our thorough MaxoCum review.
How to Cum More: Conclusion
Now that you're armed with some quick methods, long-game solutions, and food and supplement-based options to increase your cum load, let us know what you think in the comments below.
Being able to naturally give my semen volume a boost and regain both my confidence and satisfaction with sex have been a game-changer for me.
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